Notice of Incense Standard Revision including Pricing

We would like to sincerely thank you for your continuing patronage.
This letter is to announce that, effective June 1st, 2023,
we will be revising the standard of incense including price.
For all applicable products, please refer to the attached list.

Since its opening in 1989, LISN has managed to offer a wide variety of fragrances
without any increase in price. This has been accomplished through an ongoing effort
to minimize production costs, closely monitoring overhead, and working diligently
with all aspects of the supply chain.

In today's challenging economy, it is necessary to adjust our pricing to safeguard
the outstanding quality and variety of fragrance, while ensuring the stable manufacture
and delivery of our products.

As of June 1st, 2023, we will be increasing the price on several fragrances,
and others will be discontinued entirely when our current inventory expires.
In addition, we will be restructuring our assortment items to a new standard.
As soon as details for these items are finalized, we look forward to announcing them
in our stores and on our website.

Once again, we thank you for your continued patronage of our products.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Please refer to the following for details.
◆Incense New Price List (PDF:549KB) ※Updated January 19, 2023
◆Assortments New Price List (PDF:16KB) ※Updated April 24, 2023